Bvlgari Aqua

Bvlgari Green
Temy Sapalas January 28, 2009
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Dolly Girl Starlet

Anna Sui Dream

Anna Sui Wish
Temy Sapalas January 21, 2009
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Setiap wanita tentu ingin selalu wangi. Karena itu wewangian bisa disebut sebagai bagian dari gaya wanita.
Untuk mencerminkan gaya itu sendiri, tentu saja tak bisa memilih aroma wewangian secara asal saja, karena aroma wewangian sejatinya harus dapat merefleksikan siapa diri Anda. Berikut kami persembahkan beberapa tips untuk membantu pemilihan parfum sesuai karakter Anda..Salah pilih parfum adalah salah satu 'bencana' terbesar dalam dunia fashion. Karena itu, daripada Anda 'tertimpa bencana', lebih baik simak apa yang menjadi wewangian favorit dan sesuai karakter Anda sendiri. Tapi ingat, parfum yang sama persis belum tentu akan meninggalkan aroma yang sama enaknya pada setiap orang. Penasaran? Paling tidak, simak dulu jenis-jenis wewangiannya..

1. Manis
Anda yang berkarakter manis, mungkin akan langsung cocok dengan wewangian dari floral. Parfum jenis floral umumnya memilki aroma berkesan 'manis' karena tersari dari beragam jenis bunga. Mawar, melati, lavender, termasuk yang beraroma paling menonjol. Nuansa feminim juga terasa kental dari parfum floral, karena selain biasanya beraroma bebungaan, juga memiliki aroma seperti bedak. Menurut penelitian Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation selain menenangkan manfaat lain dari aroma jenis floral adalah mempercepat kerja otak dalam menyerap informasi, sekaligus melancarkan proses komunikasi.

2. EleganAnda tidak suka tampil mencolok? Pilihan parfum dengan aroma elegan sudah pasti menjadi pilihan Anda. Wangi yang terkesan polos tapi sulit diidentifikasi, apalagi ditiru karena memiliki paduan yang tidak lazim. Sekedar bocoran, Amsal Chanel Coco Mademoiselle yang seluruhnya terdiri dari aroma sintetis atau Clinique Simply yang memadukan aroma kayu dengan aroma kacang kedelai, akan membuat Anda tampil semakin elegan.

3. EksotisAnda yang gemar tampil sensual dan memikat, tentunya akan tidak tahan untuk tidak mengkoleksi parfum dengan aroma yang tajam menggairahkan. Nuansa eksotis akan langsung terhirup karena umumnya jenis wewangian ini menggunakan ekstrak aroma rempah-rempah, seperti jahe, biji vanila, pala. Selain itu bahkan ada paduan ekstrak hormon hewan seperti musk, vetiver. Wanginya, sudah pasti seksi dan eksotis.

4. FreshPecinta kesegaran aroma alam yang natural? Kesegaran seperti habis mandi akan selalu melekat pada Anda dengan parfum yang terbuat dari sari buah-buahan seperti jeruk, lemon, atau jenis tanaman hijau seperti rerumputan pinus dan cemara.

Berikut tips untuk mengaplikasikan parfum:
1. Yang jelas, apapun pilihan Anda, jangan memakai lebih dari tiga parfum dalam sehari, kasihanilah indera penciuman orang-orang di sekeliling Anda.
2. Untuk mendapatkan wangi yang menjadi trade mark Anda, sesekali cobalah menggunakan (mencampur) dua wewangian yang berbeda dalam satu kesempatan. Padukan racikan keduanya akan menciptakan wangi khas Anda.
3. Hindari selalu menggunakan parfum yang sama setiap hari selama bertahun-tahun. Ini akan membuat hidung Anda 'kebal', salah-salah malah nanti pria tampan sebelah Anda mual karena Anda memakainya seperti orang mandi parfum lantaran indera penciuman yang sudah kebal.
Temy Sapalas January 02, 2009
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Parfum telah karib dalam kehidupan kita. Ia menjadi salah satu penunjang kepercayaan diri ketika kita tampil di tengah khalayak. Sebab parfum memancarkan wewangian hingga orang betah berada di dekat kita dibandingkan jika mereka menghirup bau tak sedap dari tubuh kita. Tapi, tak jarang bagi sebagian kalangan umat Islam, parfum masih menyisakan masalah. Status kehalalannya diliputi tanda tanya karena banyak parfum di pasaran mengandung alkohol. Tak heran jika kemudian banyak produsen atau pedagang yang menawarkan parfum nonalkohol.

Bahan konsumsi
Hingga kini masalah parfum beralkohol masih tetap menjadi pembicaraan. Masih ada keraguan apakah memang diperbolehkan menggunakan parfum yang mengandung alkohol atau tidak. Keraguan ini memang memerlukan penjelasan yang tuntas. Menurut Anton Apriyantono, dosen Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi IPB menyatakan bahwa dalam kaidah fikih pada dasarnya semua makanan dan minuman itu halal. Kecuali yang secara jelas diharamkan berdasarkan Alquran dan hadis yang sahih. Dengan demikian, katanya, apa yang tak diharamkan tentunya hukumnya adalah halal. Dalam kasus khamar yang diharamkan adalah segala sesuatu yang bersifat memabukkan. Ini, dalam konteks bahan-bahan yang dikonsumsi seperti minuman keras.
Sedangkan bahan-bahan lain yang tidak normal dikonsumsi seharusnya tak dikenai hukum. Misalnya bahan-bahan kimia atau solven organik yang terdapat di dalam parfum. "Karena alkohol yang menjadi solven organik dalam parfum tidak dikonsumsi," katanya. Ia menyatakan jika bahan-bahan kimia itu dikonsumsi maka akan menimbulkan kematian. Hal yang sama juga berlaku bagi bahan kimia lain yang digunakan dalam parfum. Jika bahan-bahan ini dikonsumsi juga akan menyebabkan kematian.
Menurut Anton, masih terdapat kegamangan tentang hukum alkohol yang ada di dalam parfum akibat masyarakat sering menyamakan antara khamar dan alkohol. Padahal keduanya berbeda. Ia menyatakan bahwa alkohol atau etanol adalah bahan kimia yang tidak dikonsumsi. Sedangkan khamar biasanya dikonsumsi. Ia mengakui alkohol memang ada di dalam minuman keras. Ia adalah salah satu saja bentuk dari khamar. Akan tetapi alkohol tak terdapat di dalam narkoba semacam morfin. Padahal morfin adalah khamar juga.

Tak semata alkohol
Anton yang juga auditor LP POM MUI ini menyatakan, yang menyebabkan suatu minuman keras bersifat memabukkan bukan hanya akibat keberadaan alkohol atau etanol. Namun, semua bahan yang ada di dalam minuman keras tersebut. Jika alkohol haram lalu mengapa bahan lainnya tak dinyatakan haram? Padahal bahan-bahan kimia lain semacam asetanilda, propanol, butanil, dan metanol yang normal ada di dalam minuman keras bersifat lebih toksik dibandingkan etanol. Meski ia mengakui bahwa kadar alkohol menjadi ukuran apakah suatu minuman termasuk minuman keras atau bukan.
Hal tersebut dilakukan hanya untuk memudahkan dalam penetapan apakah suatu minuman tergolong minuman keras. Namun, tambah Anton, bukan samata-mata keberadaan alkohol yang menyebabkan sesuatu itu diharamkan. Jika demikian maka segala sesuatu yang mengandung alkohol adalah haram. Sebab, buah-buahan, roti, cuka maupun kecap juga mengandung alkohol padahal masyarakat tahu bahwa semua itu hukumnya halal.
"Kita tak bisa mengatakan bahwa alkohol dalam buah-buahan itu halal namun alkohol dalam parfum haram. Padahal zat dan sifatnya sama," tandasnya. Oleh karenanya, soal keberadaan alkohol di dalam parfum Anton menyarankan untuk mengembalikannya kepada hukum yang berasal dari Alquran dan hadis. Di sisi lain, mestinya masyarakat melihat segalanya secara menyeluruh terutama terkait dengan konteks. Misalnya, mereka harus tahu bahwa konteks khamar adalah sesuatu yang dikonsumsi.

Sumber : Republika (10 September 2004)
Temy Sapalas December 19, 2008
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Parfum adalah campuran minyak essensial dan senyawa aroma (aroma compound), fiksatif, dan pelarutyang digunakan untuk memberikan bau wangi untuk tubuh manusia, obyek, atau ruangan. Jumlah dan tipe pelarut yang bercampur dengan minyak wangi menentukan apakah suatu parfum dianggap sebagai ekstrak parfum, Eau de parfum, Eau de toilette, atau Eau de Cologne.
Temy Sapalas December 10, 2008
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Temy Sapalas November 17, 2008
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12 Free Beauty Tips: Make-Up And Cosmetics
by: Mike Jones

Use these 12 free beauty tips to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your choice of make-up and cosmetics: 1. When shopping for lip color and eye shadow, put a clean sheet of white paper in your bag. New lip colors can be tested on the paper along with a strip of eye shadow. You can then examine the colors in daylight outside, away from the artificial lighting in the store. 2. Fragrance: Use two light formulas together to lock a scent in rather than a heavy application of one fragrance which can overwhelm those close to you. Using a scented body cream and then lightly spraying with an eau de toilette or parfum of the same scent will still result in a long-lasting effect. 3. Just use regular cold cream to remove oil-based makeup. 4. Make your nails seem more slender by applying a dark nail varnish down the center part of the nail being careful not to take it right to the edge of the sides of nail. 5. When testing the color of a foundation and you are already wearing a foundation, use the areas on your neck or inner arm. The skin tone in these areas matches the face more closely than the hands and a better judgment can be made. 6. To find the best spot to apply blush, smile widely, take note of where the cheek rises to a round shape. This lifted part of the cheek is the best place for blush to look natural as a flush will often color this area of the cheek. 7. For concealer to last many hours, be sure to apply it in small amounts at a time in two or three layers. This technique guarantees long wear. 8. With oily skin, avoid toners that contain alcohol as these can dry out the skin and block impurities beneath the surface. To avoid over drying the skin use toners containing AHA's. They help to smooth the skin's texture. 9. Every so often gather all the make-up you have from various places and do an analysis. Be ruthless and throw out anything over two years old, that has a musty odor, that is messy or runny, where liquids have separated, or anything that is dirty or falling apart such as sponges and brushes. By optimizing in this way you can purchase new supplies where needed and keep your make-up kit in top condition. 10. If you have oily skin, use very little moisturizer or, if possible, none at all. Too much moisturizer on oily skin can cause makeup to slide away. 11. If lip lines are a problem, apply lipstick vertically instead of horizontally. 12. When removing makeup, take a Q-tip which has been dipped in a non-oily remover and run it over the eyelashes to take off any remaining mascara.
Temy Sapalas November 17, 2008
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"Perfume counters" are stocked with a wide array of products that are meant to enhance the human scent. These counters can be found in many locations like a pharmacy, fine department store or online outlet. But beware - the term "perfume counter" is a very loose definition since many of these scents are less expensive derivatives of the true perfume. These versions often are not as pure as the look-alike discount brands that closely match the true designer scent and sport a label that looks a lot like the name brand.
What, after all, is a perfume? Essential oils that are extracted from various plants form the base for a perfume. Remember the famous gold, frankincense and myrrh that the Three Wise Men carried to the baby Jesus? Frankincense was a fragrant resin of a tree that grew in East Africa that ancient people would burn for its scent like we burn candles for aromatherapy. Myrrh was also a gum resin that was obtained from the bark of a different tree from East Africa. One of the uses of myrrh in ancient days was to make perfume and an early form of toothpaste.
A perfect perfume or parfum will contain oils of the highest concentration. A true perfume custom mixes essential oils and various ingredients. This liquid is then poured into an atomizer or other perfume containers. The greater the amount of scented essential oils, the stronger and long-lasting the scent of the perfume. It only takes a little spray of parfum to last for hours at its most alluring aroma. Naturally, as result of the high concentration of oils, the price of parfum is very high.
Since the majority of consumers are not willing to spend the money needed to buy an expensive perfume, perfume makers sell diluted products based on their signature perfume for a lower price. While the scent is not as intense or as long-lasting, the product can be sold to a wider range of customers.
Perfume variations are sold in standard categories (listed in order): Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette, and Eau de Cologne. The first category, Eau de Parfum or often just called "Eau" is the closest to the parfum since its name is French for "water". This simplistic translation would make several perfume executives cringe. Eau de Cologne or cologne is the final category, which generally costs the least of the three.
The same fragrance does not achieve the same scent on all people. Everyone's body chemistry is different, so scents don't last long on dry skin but will blend better and last longer on natural body oil. It is best to try out a perfume on your skin and double check its fragrance before purchasing it.

by: Maggie Dunston
Temy Sapalas November 17, 2008
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The parfum business is a massive one; fashion designers have their own perfumes, celebrities have their own perfumes, even sports stars have their own fragrances. So, why can't you create your own perfume? Well, you can, but it may not be in every Harrods or Selfridges store around the world; but you can certainly be able to make a perfume to have at home to save money buying the expensive brands.
Of course, making perfume is particularly easy, but if you have the nose for a good fragrance and you have the creativity to make a perfume; there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to successfully create your own brand to have at home! Something you may have in the house already that can be used to make perfumes is essential oils. There are also specialty oils that you can buy from certain perfume suppliers that are just for making fragrances to wear.
Essential oils are what is extracted from living plants; the essences are taken out of the plant. It may surprise you to learn that only 200 plants produce the oils that are used in the art and the science of perfumery. Essential oils should never be directly applied to the skin as they are very strong and intense. They will need diluting before use. There are two types of essential oils sold for perfumes and that is those that need diluting in alcohol, and those that need diluting in oil.
Creating your own perfume will require a certain amount of trial and error, and experimentation. This is all part of the learning process and will make your nose better and more accurate for the scents. What is a good idea at the beginning is to have as many different oils as you possibly can, and that your budget will allow. This is so you can experiment more and create a unique fragrance.
The types of fragrances are in certain groups that you will need to know. Some are categorized depending on their origin, for example, fruits, flowers, animals, roots, herbs, etc. Some are placed into groups after this categorization: floral (rose, lily of the valley), animal (civet, musk), green (pine, lavender) and woody/spicy (cinnamon, cedarwood, clove).
You may also be familiar with the following updated categories for fragrances and types: citrus, fruity, herbal, spicy, gourmand, earthy, and floral. It is always a good idea to try and have a few oils and scents from each category. This makes it easy for you to mix and match and see what group goes well with each other.
From the citrus group, you could opt for grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine or perhaps lime. From the spicy group of scents you could go for ginger or maybe cinnamon. In the herbal category, you could use cucumber, sage and rosemary. Fruit scents to use could be green apple, strawberry or even pear. In the gourmand category there is fragrances such as vanilla which is very popular in famous fragrances. Floral fragrances could be ylang ylang, jasmine, rose and chamomile. Earth scents are honey, musk, amber and sandalwood.
There are so many beautiful scents available that you may find it difficult to choose which to start with. A good rule of thumb is to go for the ones that you love the most. Remember that it is you who will be wearing it after all!

Author: Daniel Millions
Temy Sapalas October 21, 2008
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The precise formulas of commercial perfumes are kept secret. Even if they were widely published, they would be dominated by such complex chemical procedures and ingredients that they would be of little use in providing a useful description of the experience of a scent. Nonetheless, connoisseurs of perfume can become extremely skillful at identifying components and origins of scents in the same manner as wine experts .
The most practical way to start describing a perfume is according to its concentration level, the family it belongs to, and the notes of the scent, which all affect the overall impression of a perfume from first application to the last lingering hint of scent.
Concentration levels
Perfume oil is necessarily diluted with a solvent because undiluted oils (natural or synthetic) contain high concentrations of volatile components that will likely result in allergic reactions and possibly injury when applied directly to skin or clothing.
By far the most common solvent for perfume oil dilution is ethanol or a mixture of ethanol and water. Perfume oil can also be diluted by means of neutral-smelling lipids such as jojoba, fractionated coconut oil or wax.
As the percentage of aromatic compounds decreases, so does the intensity and longevity of the scent created. Different perfumeries or perfume houses assign different amounts of oils to each of their perfumes. Therefore, although the oil concentration of a perfume in eau de parfum (EDP) dilution will necessarily be higher than the same perfume in eau de toilette (EDT) form within the same range, the actual amounts can vary between perfume houses. An EDT from one house may be stronger than an EDP from another.
Furthermore, some fragrances with the same product name but having a different concentration name may not only differ in their dilutions, but actually use different perfume oil mixtures altogether. In some cases, words such as "extrême" or "concentrée" appended to fragrance names might indicate completely different fragrances that relates only because of a similar perfume accord. An instance to this would be Chanel‾s Pour Monsieur and Pour Monsieur Concentrée. For instance, in order to make the EDT version of a fragrance brighter and fresher than its EDP, the EDT oil may be "tweaked" to contain slightly more top notes or less base notes.
Olfactive families
Grouping perfumes, like any taxonomy, can never be a completely objective or final process. Many fragrances contain aspects of different families. Even a perfume designated as "single flower", however subtle, will have undertones of other aromatics. "True" unitary scents can rarely be found in perfumes as it requires the perfume to exist only as a singular aromatic material. Classification by olfactive family is a starting point for a description of a perfume, but it cannot by itself denote the specific characteristic of that perfume.
Temy Sapalas October 21, 2008
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Concentration of Parfume

Perfume types reflect the concentration of aromatic compounds in a solvent, which in fine fragrance is typically ethanol or a mix of water and ethanol. Various sources differ considerably in the definitions of perfume types. The concentration by percent/volume of perfume oil is as follows:
Perfume extract (Extrait): 15-40% (IFRA: typical 20%) aromatic compounds
Eau de Parfum (EdP), Parfum de Toilette (PdT): 10-20% (typical ~15%) aromatic compounds. Sometimes listed as "eau de perfume".
Eau de Toilette (EdT): 5-15% (typical ~10%) aromatic compounds Eau de Cologne (EdC): Chypre citrus type perfumes with 3-8% (typical ~5%) aromatic compounds.
Splash and After shave: 1-3% aromatic compounds
Perfume oil is necessarily diluted with a solvent because undiluted oils (natural or synthetic) contain high concentrations of chemical components (natural or otherwise) that will likely result in allergic reactions and possibly injury when applied directly to skin or clothing. As well, the scents in pure perfume oils are far too concentrated to smell pleasant. By far the most common solvent for perfume oil dilution is ethanol or a mixture of ethanol and water. Perfume oil can also be diluted by means of neutral-smelling liquid oils such as fractionated coconut oil, or liquid waxes such as jojoba oil.
The intensity and longevity of a perfume bases on the concentration, intensity and longevity of the used aromatic compounds (natural essential oils / perfume oils): As the percentage of aromatic compounds increases, so does the intensity and longevity of the scent created. Different perfumeries or perfume houses assign different amounts of oils to each of their perfumes. Therefore, although the oil concentration of a perfume in Eau de Parfum (EdP) dilution will necessarily be higher than the same perfume in Eau de Toilette (EdT) from within the same range, the actual amounts can vary between perfume houses. An EdT from one house may be stronger than an EdP from another.
Men's fragrances are rarely as EdP or perfume extracts. As well, women's fragrances are rarely sold in EdC concentrations. Although this gender specific naming trend is common for assigning fragrance concentrations, it does not directly have anything to do with whether a fragrance was intended for men or women.
Furthermore, some fragrances with the same product name but having a different concentration name may not only differ in their dilutions, but actually use different perfume oil mixtures altogether. For instance, in order to make the EdT version of a fragrance brighter and fresher than its EdP, the EdT oil may be "tweaked" to contain slightly more top notes or fewer base notes. In some cases, words such as "extrême", "intense" or "concentrée", that might indicate aromatic concentration are sometimes completely different fragrances that relates only because of a similar perfume accord. An example of this would be Chanel‘s Pour Monsieur and Pour Monsieur Concentrée.Eau de cologne (EdC) since 1706 in Cologne, Germany is originally a specific fragrance and trademark. However outside of Germany the term has become generic for Chypre citrus perfumes (without fond notes).Since 1994 in Germany are produced more than 100 different perfumes basing on natural sources with the feature to be skin protecting: They have ~1% aromatic compounds and are useful as scent with hoemostatic (homeopathic) effects; and ad Jojoba as perfumes, as (herpes-protecting) lip-gloss and as skin-care
Temy Sapalas October 21, 2008
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The word perfume used today derives from the Latin "per fumum", meaning through smoke. Perfumery, or the art of making perfumes, began in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt but was developed and further refined by the Romans and Persians. Although perfume and perfumery also existed in East Asia, much of its fragrances are incense based.The world's first recorded chemist is considered to be a person named Tapputi, a perfume maker who was mentioned in a cuneiform tablet from the second millennium BC in Mesopotamia.[1]Recently, archaeologists have uncovered what is believed to be the world's oldest perfumes in Pyrgos, Cyprus. The perfumes date back more than 4,000 years. The perfumes were discovered in an ancient perfumery factory. At least 60 distilling stills, mixing bowls, funnels and perfume bottles were found in the 43,000-square-foot (4,000 m2) factory.[2] In ancient times people used herbs and spices, like almond, coriander, myrtle, conifer resin, bergamot, but not flowers.[3]The Arabian chemist, Al-Kindi (Alkindus), wrote in the 9th century a book on perfumes which he named ‘Book of the Chemistry of Perfume and Distillations’. It contained more than hundred recipes for fragrant oils, salves, aromatic waters and substitutes or imitations of costly drugs. The book also described one hundred and seven methods and recipes for perfume-making, and even the perfume making equipment, like the alembic, still bears its Arabic name[4].The Persian Muslim doctor and chemist Avicenna (also known as Ibn Sina) introduced the process of extracting oils from flowers by means of distillation, the procedure most commonly used today. He first experimented with the rose. Until his discovery, liquid perfumes were mixtures of oil and crushed herbs, or petals which made a strong blend. Rose water was more delicate, and immediately became popular. Both of the raw ingredients and distillation technology significantly influenced western perfumery and scientific developments, particularly chemistry.Knowledge of perfumery came to Europe as early as the 14th century due partially to the spread of Islam. But it was the Hungarians who ultimately introduced the first modern perfume. Made of scented oils blended in an alcohol solution, the first modern perfume was made in 1370 at the command of Queen Elizabeth of Hungary and was known throughout Europe as Hungary Water. The art of perfumery prospered in Renaissance Italy, and in the 16th century, Italian refinements were taken to France by Catherine de' Medici's personal perfumer, Rene le Florentin. His laboratory was connected with her apartments by a secret passageway, so that no formulas could be stolen en route. France quickly became the European center of perfume and cosmetic manufacture. Cultivation of flowers for their perfume essence, which had begun in the 14th century, grew into a major industry in the south of France. During the Renaissance period, perfumes were used primarily by royalty and the wealthy to mask body odors resulting from the sanitary practices of the day. Partly due to this patronage, the western perfumery industry was created. By the 18th century, aromatic plants were being grown in the Grasse region of France to provide the growing perfume industry with raw materials. Even today, France remains the centre of the European perfume design and trade.
Temy Sapalas October 21, 2008
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All of us have their own smell. It in a certain way helps them to choose partners and decide whether this or that man or woman is worth making friends or having business with. Technical world progress not only invented a range of machines that make our life easier it has also done a lot in the field of perfumery.Nowadays one can choose any smell he or she wants. Nowadays there are an unbelievable number of parfum shop, which allows changing your image every day with the help of cologne or a fragrance only. But you should know, that men’s and women’s fragrances are a strong power, with which one is able not only to attract certain spice to his or her appearance, but also to spoil it. Choosing perfumes is not dead-easy. It needs a lot of time and energy. But just fancy how great it is when you eventually find the very women’s or men’s fragrance, that becomes you and highlights all your positive traits of character. Such feeling is worth all the spent time. Women, who by nature pay more attention to their image, usually have a number of perfumes, each of which suits to a special occasion, mood spirit or season.Every year a great number of factories produce more and more fragrances, encouraging consumers to try brand-new scents and combinations. Modern technologies allow fragrance producers to do great things. With the help of synthesized substances, one can produce an aroma that doesn’t even exist in nature. This makes the range of brand-new combinations endless. All brand-new fragrances look so great that it is sometimes quite difficult to resist temptation and to buy a scent not due to its scent, but because you like the actress that is starring in the advert or because of a prettily designed bottle. But one should know that a perfume can both fascinate and spoil. Unfortunately, that’s not the only difficult thing in choosing a fragrance. When buying perfumes you should remember that almost all of them have different smell on a plotter and on your skin. It may occur so that when you come home you will understand that this cologne or a fragrance doesn’t become you at all even if an hour ago in a fragrance shop you were absolutely sure about it. So it’s better try the perfume on right in a perfume shop. One should admit that nowadays a well-matched aroma is a point of a social etiquette. To smell good is to be a person, who pays attention to details and looks perfect. A lot of celebrities produce their own fragrance collections, so if you want to wear a smell that you idol adores, that’s a perfect chance for you.A fragrance is another perfect aspect of flirt. It adds some kind of magic to the appearance, making you fascinating. So if you want to add certain spice to your image, try to find a fragrance that will suit you.
Temy Sapalas October 21, 2008
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