Temy Sapalas November 17, 2008
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12 Free Beauty Tips: Make-Up And Cosmetics
by: Mike Jones

Use these 12 free beauty tips to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your choice of make-up and cosmetics: 1. When shopping for lip color and eye shadow, put a clean sheet of white paper in your bag. New lip colors can be tested on the paper along with a strip of eye shadow. You can then examine the colors in daylight outside, away from the artificial lighting in the store. 2. Fragrance: Use two light formulas together to lock a scent in rather than a heavy application of one fragrance which can overwhelm those close to you. Using a scented body cream and then lightly spraying with an eau de toilette or parfum of the same scent will still result in a long-lasting effect. 3. Just use regular cold cream to remove oil-based makeup. 4. Make your nails seem more slender by applying a dark nail varnish down the center part of the nail being careful not to take it right to the edge of the sides of nail. 5. When testing the color of a foundation and you are already wearing a foundation, use the areas on your neck or inner arm. The skin tone in these areas matches the face more closely than the hands and a better judgment can be made. 6. To find the best spot to apply blush, smile widely, take note of where the cheek rises to a round shape. This lifted part of the cheek is the best place for blush to look natural as a flush will often color this area of the cheek. 7. For concealer to last many hours, be sure to apply it in small amounts at a time in two or three layers. This technique guarantees long wear. 8. With oily skin, avoid toners that contain alcohol as these can dry out the skin and block impurities beneath the surface. To avoid over drying the skin use toners containing AHA's. They help to smooth the skin's texture. 9. Every so often gather all the make-up you have from various places and do an analysis. Be ruthless and throw out anything over two years old, that has a musty odor, that is messy or runny, where liquids have separated, or anything that is dirty or falling apart such as sponges and brushes. By optimizing in this way you can purchase new supplies where needed and keep your make-up kit in top condition. 10. If you have oily skin, use very little moisturizer or, if possible, none at all. Too much moisturizer on oily skin can cause makeup to slide away. 11. If lip lines are a problem, apply lipstick vertically instead of horizontally. 12. When removing makeup, take a Q-tip which has been dipped in a non-oily remover and run it over the eyelashes to take off any remaining mascara.
Temy Sapalas November 17, 2008
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"Perfume counters" are stocked with a wide array of products that are meant to enhance the human scent. These counters can be found in many locations like a pharmacy, fine department store or online outlet. But beware - the term "perfume counter" is a very loose definition since many of these scents are less expensive derivatives of the true perfume. These versions often are not as pure as the look-alike discount brands that closely match the true designer scent and sport a label that looks a lot like the name brand.
What, after all, is a perfume? Essential oils that are extracted from various plants form the base for a perfume. Remember the famous gold, frankincense and myrrh that the Three Wise Men carried to the baby Jesus? Frankincense was a fragrant resin of a tree that grew in East Africa that ancient people would burn for its scent like we burn candles for aromatherapy. Myrrh was also a gum resin that was obtained from the bark of a different tree from East Africa. One of the uses of myrrh in ancient days was to make perfume and an early form of toothpaste.
A perfect perfume or parfum will contain oils of the highest concentration. A true perfume custom mixes essential oils and various ingredients. This liquid is then poured into an atomizer or other perfume containers. The greater the amount of scented essential oils, the stronger and long-lasting the scent of the perfume. It only takes a little spray of parfum to last for hours at its most alluring aroma. Naturally, as result of the high concentration of oils, the price of parfum is very high.
Since the majority of consumers are not willing to spend the money needed to buy an expensive perfume, perfume makers sell diluted products based on their signature perfume for a lower price. While the scent is not as intense or as long-lasting, the product can be sold to a wider range of customers.
Perfume variations are sold in standard categories (listed in order): Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette, and Eau de Cologne. The first category, Eau de Parfum or often just called "Eau" is the closest to the parfum since its name is French for "water". This simplistic translation would make several perfume executives cringe. Eau de Cologne or cologne is the final category, which generally costs the least of the three.
The same fragrance does not achieve the same scent on all people. Everyone's body chemistry is different, so scents don't last long on dry skin but will blend better and last longer on natural body oil. It is best to try out a perfume on your skin and double check its fragrance before purchasing it.

by: Maggie Dunston
Temy Sapalas November 17, 2008
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